Nicoleta Topciu
Spiritual Services
As a result of a profound and life altering spiritual awakening, I am here today able to offer all the services below to humanity.
— About me
Everything that you find posted I applied on myself and my immediate family. Energy work can be intense at times, especially when we work with the shadow self.
I am a clear vessel for divine intervention to happen where needed.
— Services
Shadow work session
Finding and identifying blockages in your energy field, clearing and purifying if it’s the case, introducing new structures of light where was only darkness
1 hour $333
A conversation with a past on loved one
45 minutes $111
Akashic record reading
Opening the Akasha for the highest good of all
1 hour $88
Energy reading
What is in your energy field? Color of the aura and the meaning of it
30 minutes $45
Chakra system reading, healing and balancing
How healthy are you energetically?
45 minutes $122
Sound – chakra bath healing
Music involved in the process of removing dense energies from your energy centers
1 hour $122
Love and romance reading
Channeling information about your love life
30 minutes $77
Energy reading, clearing and healing
Connecting with a team of spirit guides, we go deep into your energy field to unclog whatever is needed
Past life reading
Clearing of timeline – removing energetic blockages
21 Day Purification – Zoom LIVE event group – stay tuned
Working together with multiple beings of unconditional love with the purpose of adding structures of light to our energetic and spiritual body – initiating a purging of whatever entities or blockage is keeping us “stuck” at a certain level of consciousness
If service is online, time of delivery can be up to 21 days.